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How to optimize keyword ranking and do a good job in title party

March 25, 2021 03:45:55 Source: Bomin Network Author: Suzhou SEO

How to build a good websiteKeyword ranking optimization? For a normal operator of a corporate website, the content updates must be regular and of good quality. Without a doubt, the title is the eye of textual content. Whether your article has been favored by Baidu spiders mainly depends on whether the content title has aroused the interest of the majority of users to read. As an excellent service provider for website construction and optimization in Suzhou, the Bomin editor believes that if the content title is not well written, even if it has a ranking, it will not have a high click through rate. How to become an excellent title party and win with local SEO optimization content:

1、 A boastful title

When the public sees an exaggerated message, their first reaction is often to question it. A boastful title is a use of users' questioning psychology and exaggerated descriptions to attract users' clicks and browsing. If it is only used in ordinary articles, it is necessary to carefully consider and write boastful titles, which can make users question the title and content, but do not provoke users to question the website. In the article, a third party can be introduced to allow users to question the third party, rather than the website itself.

2、 Doubtful Title

Here, 'question' refers to starting from the user's perspective, and often question based titles can resonate with relevant users, holding the same attitude of questioning, thereby attracting users' clicks and browsing. If the keyword positioning is accurate, the users obtained by this type of title are all precise users. For marketing websites, this type of title is definitely a marketing tool.

3、 Title containing numbers

When searching for content that concerns oneself, suddenly discovering a title with specific or specific numbers, combined with other textual descriptions, often attracts the attention of the public. Ordinary users may ask, what exactly does this number contain? What is the specific content? Thus, click to browse. Some numerical titles will attract attention with exaggerated tone.

4、 Specify scope type title

This type of title refers to clearly indicating in the title which group of people the page content is aimed at, which can attract clicks and browsing from designated users, and in many cases, it can also attract users outside of the designated group to click and browse.

5、 Climbing comparative titles

If the content itself does not have much difference from other websites in attracting attention, then use clickbait titles and content. Famous figures and events can become objects of attachment for such titles, for example, in real estate articles, celebrities are often the objects of attachment. If a "big shot" is involved in the same content, it is easy to attract attention.

The quality of the title directly affects the first impression of the majority of online users. Dazzling titles will definitely bring a lot of click through rates. As long as the content is powerful and novel enough, is there still a fear of no traffic?Suzhou SEOExperts will share professional website knowledge with you. If you have any questions, please click on QQ for consultation.