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Background and advantages of university website construction

2021-03-09 02:47:17 Source: Unknown Author: admin

  University website constructionThe current situation and existing problems. According to the needs of various departments in the school, traditional website construction methods are often developed by oneself or by third-party companies. Departmental websites come in dynamic, static, and pseudo static forms, with significant differences in web development techniques, service components, and backend databases. Each website needs to be equipped with an independent server and website management information system, and configured with corresponding operating platforms, making it difficult to deploy multiple websites simultaneously. Once the website system crashes, it cannot be restored in a timely and effective manner.

In traditional website construction, each website has independent front-end and back-end applications, and data is stored in a decentralized manner. Each site has administrators and relevant agencies. Information dissemination is managed by the system administrators of each website and cannot be managed by the publicity department through the website backend. There is a risk of lax information review, which can easily lead to adverse information incidents and have a negative impact on the school.

In traditional websites, each site has an independent database, and the databases and data types used are mostly different, resulting in poor compatibility and inability to share data with each other, making it difficult to retrieve information across sites. The phenomenon of "information silos" is severe, with inaccurate search results and inability to push information between sites in a timely manner, which is very detrimental to information management.

Background and advantages of university website construction

Due to the decentralized management and deployment of traditional sites, it is impossible to uniformly set up system security configurations, such as site administrator permission allocation, system password complexity design, data backup, etc. Easy to encounter situations such as weak passwords, empty passwords, and incomplete data backups. Secondly, if a new sub site needs to be created, the program needs to be rewritten and a corresponding database needs to be established, which has a long development cycle and is not convenient for site expansion.

China's higher education is making great strides in the new era of "Double First Class". In August 2015, after the overall plan to promote the construction of world-class universities and disciplines was reviewed and approved by the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Group, a wave of experimental teaching reform surged forward. Coincidentally, in October of the same year, the State Council issued a notice on the overall plan for promoting the construction of world-class universities and disciplines. The importance, urgency, and profound significance of experimental teaching reform are becoming increasingly prominent. Experimental teaching is an important guarantee for cultivating talents. Now is the information age, and the level of informatization is increasing day by day. In this context, it is particularly urgent to actively promote the reform of experimental teaching. Therefore, in the implementation process of teaching reform, special attention should be paid to strengthening the deep integration of information technology and education and teaching.

After being approved as a national level experimental teaching demonstration center in 2014, the Nursing Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Tianjin Medical University will be listed as a top priority, that is, how to vigorously improve the informationization construction ability of experimental teaching, vigorously develop network platform construction, widely apply information technology in teaching and management, strive to achieve the maximum advantage of information resource development, sharing and effective utilization, and adapt to the new requirements of the big data era. The powerful advantages gradually become clear during the website construction process. Attack is the best defense. Standing on the big stage of experimental teaching, this must be a reform from passive to active. Rich online resources and personalized learning platforms can fully stimulate students' learning autonomy and increase their sense of participation in learning interactions. At the same time, students' learning and consultation can break free from time constraints, overcome spatial limitations, and accelerate the updating, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge. Teachers can improve teaching quality, enhance educational conditions, and innovate management mechanisms. The convenience provided by the website can firmly grasp the development trend of experimental teaching.

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