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ReadCrystal Technology

ReadCrystal Technology is a CRO service provider specializing in structural analysis services, offering high-quality services for innovative pharmaceutical companies and life science researchers in the drug discovery phase.

The company has established a service platform with X-ray crystallography, Cryo-EM SPA, and MicroED as core structural analysis technologies. This platform provides services in protein expression and purification, structural biology, biophysical characterization, and drug screening, accelerating the processes for clients in the early stages of drug discovery.

MicroED technology, recognized by Science as one of the top ten breakthroughs in 2018, plays a crucial role in resolving nano-sized crystal structures. The founding team of ReadCrystal consists of the inventors of the MicroED technology in Stockholm, and they have es tablished the world's first commercial MicroED service platform, solving the structural analysis challenges of small crystals for clients globally.

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